Please click the button below to see our class presentation for welcoming parents
Welcome to Year 4!
Year 4 is a really hard working, fun class to be in. We enjoy a wide range of exciting activities, which celebrate the many gifts, talents and interests of the children in class. We strive to do our best at all times, no matter the challenge.
Mr Atherton is the class teacher on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Mrs Minton will be the class teacher on Tuesdays Mrs O'Neill is our Year 4 Teaching Assistant.
A few important pieces of information to remember...
Our Class Dojo Page provides regular updates, information and is a great way of sharing our journey and getting involved in our learning. We hope you enjoy the ride this year!
Each week, children should aim to have: completed at least three reading plus activities, scored at least 500 points on Mathletics and aim to read as much as possible at home with some of our amazing books.
PE lessons are on a Thursday, so please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kit and a water bottle.
If anyone has any queries or issues then please contact me either via Class Dojo or via the school office.
Mathletics – Set maths tasks, directed by teacher.
UNICEF – Information on current Right respecting Schools campaign.
Reading Plus - Try to complete at least 3 tasks per week. Site codes, usernames and passwords sent home.
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