If you have concerns about a child who lives in Wigan contact:
Monday to Sunday 24 hours: 01942 828300 Or you can make a referral electronically.
Remember in an emergency please ring 999
To discuss a safeguarding concern please contact school as follows:
01942 206733
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Mrs Vose (Headteacher)
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Mrs Hitchen(Deputy Headteacher)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Mr Atherton (Assistant Headteacher)
Chair of Governors -Angela Whitney
Safeguarding Governor -Mary Kearsley
Children’s Social Care Case referrals
Duty team
01942 828300
Designated officer (Allegations) (formally known as LADO)
01942 486042
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